Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Margaret's party

We had a wonderful weekend visiting Alabama for Margaret's lingerie shower. She had a great time. We decorated panties for her and she got quite the loot of silky, sexy items. Poor Marg closed her finger in her car trunk that morning so she was bandaged and stitched up. Thanks to Elizabeth and Amanda for hosting the party with me. The food was delicious and the company was great.

All the gals at the party.

Marg loved her gifts.
(I wish I had a copy of the original picture where she is kissing my cheek. It's a joke now, on the first Thanksgiving I ever spent with Matt, his family was decorating for Christmas after dinner and Dr. Crockett had bought a huge wreath for the living room. It's about 3 feet wide and Marg and I posed in the middle for a picture. She kissed my cheek in the picture and it's become a joke ever since.)

Shower Flowers

Marg and Tyson at dinner that night.
It was a really fun weekend and we're SO looking forward to the wedding in May!

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