Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Crockett - Christmas Morn

After the polar bear swim we got dressed and opened presents with Matt's parents, Grandmother, Martin and Michael.

O Christmas Tree

Matt and I gave Dale a book of pictures of her kids and a framed photo of a picture of the 4 siblings. (Which can be posted online now that Christmas is over!)

I got a fisheye lens for my camera. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one.

It SNOWED on Christmas. You probably can't see the snowflakes in this photo but they're there. It was really pretty and heavy for a little while. I can't remember ever seeing snow while opening presents on Christmas morning. Makes me want to sing the SNOW song from White Christmas....(I think only Andrea can join me on this one. I probably just got that song stuck in your head, right Andrea?)
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