Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Gray!!

Happy Birthday to Gray! 
2 years old....I can't believe it.

You are incredibly smart, clever, funny and sweet.

You love to laugh. You love cars, trains, pianos, balls and Pepe.
You love to watch Sprout, Mickey Mouse Club and the Little Einsteins.

You're already a great counter (perhaps you have a future in accounting like your uncles?)
You love to take things apart and you study how things work (perhaps you have a future in engineering like your dad?)
 You LOVE the water. 
You have loved baths since you were a baby and you LOVED the ocean and the pool in Mexico. 

So far, you don't like sand.
You are very neat. You like your hands to be clean.

You are all boy and a pleasure to be around.
You say "Thank you" to everything. You are very polite.

You love your family and you have NO idea how fiercely we love you.

Thanks for making me Aunt Ashey.

1 comment:

Matt said...

A beautiful post.